
Women try our Lean Machine Shake today! Gives you all the taste plus the Protein you need to succeed!

Have you seen your own personal studio yet? You can take any class you want in there! All included in your membership!

Success is never achieved unless effort is shown! Let our staff help you out the smart way! We are knowledgeable in all the areas you need us to be to succeed! Don’t try to do this yourself! Ask your staff to guide you every step of the way, both inside and outside the gym.

Here are a few helpful tips!

Make Protein and Veggies the biggest part of each meal. You do need carboydrates, let us help you with what kind are best! There are many options out there, listed are a few of the best ones:



Sweet potato
Brown rice
Nuts (snack)

When you are trying to lose weight
Not to mention it is wonderful for your heart and lungs and keeps you going longer. We suggest doing this at least 4 times a week (20 min for

beginners, 30 min for intermediate, and 45 min for advanced). You do not have to run! You can do fat burning cardio which keeps your heart rate in fate burning mode. Ask our staff to help you understand how to read this on the cardio machines.

Weight training is very important to succeeding. Muscle burns fat which means we get smaller and more shapely. We suggest doing weight training 3 times a week minimum.


Strength Training for beginner trying to lose weight
Stick to weight machines to ensure proper form. Choose 3 from the list below, each from a different muscle group. Do two sets (10 to 12 repetitions) on each machine with a 45 – 60 second recovery period between sets. Keep track of which muscles you’re targeting by looking at the highlighted instruction panels. During your next trip to the gym, pick 3 different machines and repeat.

Chest: Chest press, Incline press
Back: Lat pull-down, Rows
Shoulders: Lateral raise, Shoulder press
Abs: Abdominal curl, Torso twist
Legs: Leg press, Leg extension

Strength Training for putting on muscle intermediate or advanced
Do 6 strength exercises each day, with a minimum of two for each muscle group. Aim for heavy weight and low repetitions. Do two sets of 8 – 10 reps with 45 – 60 seconds of recovery time. Don’t do every muscle group in one day – space them out like this:

Day One
Chest: Chest press, Incline press
Shoulders: Shoulder press, Lateral raise
Triceps: Triceps extension, Triceps kickback with free weight

Day Two
Legs: Leg press, Hamstring curl, Standing calf raise
Abs: Abdominal curl, Torso twist, Crunch

Day Three
Back: Lat pull-down, Rows
Biceps: Assisted chin-up, Biceps curl

Remember that moving is the key!